wedding planning over winter

017I can’t believe that I haven’t posted anything since May!  The days are just flying by and what feels like a couple of weeks often turns out to be several months…

There are reasons why I haven’t been very active on the blog… In a nutshell – a new puppy who is slightly crazy,  a trip to Tassie with the hubby to celebrate his 40th birthday (yikes!), writing for other blogs/websites and keeping up with work of course.  But I read a quote, just today in fact, which said “An apology should never be ruined by an excuse”.  So I’m going to stop making excuses and just try to be more consistent!

Today I thought I’d give all those of you who are currently planning your big day a bit of a kick up the backside (in the nicest possible way of course).

DSC_0334It may be the off season right now, but this is a great time to be organising some of those little (or big) details for your big day.  We are certainly working hard to make sure our clients’ weddings are all organised before our busy season hits.  It’s the best time to meet with people like stylists, florists and celebrants – anyone in the industry really – as it’s their quiet time.  It’s also a great time to get onto stationery design.  Stationery designers need time to work on your design, so getting a head start now when it’s not so busy is a great idea.  You can even do a bit of dress shopping – who wants to be dress shopping in the heat?  No thank you!  It’s so much more pleasant in this weather.  And if you want to stay inside and avoid the cold and rain why not get a start on all those DIY projects you have planned or start on your seating plan (trust me, it can take a lonnnnng time and even if you don’t know for sure who’s coming or not, you can at least start to think about groups of people to seat together, or who not to seat together!).

It’s amazing how many people don’t really give their wedding all that much thought over the winter – maybe because it seems so far away – but it’s honestly the best time to get stuff done so that when spring rolls around you can enjoy the beautiful weather without stressing about your wedding.

So if you’re in the midst of planning, don’t hibernate for the rest of the winter – there is less than a month left until spring arrives and everyone is right back into it, and you and I both know how fast the rest of the month is going to go!029

All images by CJ Williams Photography

Image 1 florals by Fox & Rabbit / Image 2 florals by Katie Cooper / Image 3 florals by Flowertalk


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